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My Mission

As a Product Manager, I worked on several web and app-based products. While the companies and products differed greatly there was one thing every company was missing: A process to get customer feedback and gain the necessary insights needed to build a product users love.

My goal is to help companies and teams apply a customer-centric product strategy to get the foundation for product success right. If you need help with feedback collection, insights analysis, or feature prioritization process read my blog or contact me directly.

Why do I know what I am talking about?

About Me

Looking at everything I have done so far it seems quite chaotic at first. My diverse interests drove my path in many directions but when I look back now, it seems there was one thing everything had in common: A desire to understand human behavior.

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards." - Steve Jobs

I studied economics, socio-economics, psychology, and communications studies. I ended up having a bachelor's degree in economics and social studies while having credits for more than one master's degree. I stopped aspiring an additional title and focused on knowledge gaps while I already started working. I dipped my toe into market research and sales before I discovered the exciting world of product development

I worked at several companies in the field of product development. In the last years I gained a deep understanding of the field but more importantly, found the areas where product management is done wrong in many cases.

A deep understanding of the customer, or the market should be the foundation for all development efforts. But more often than not development is driven by stakeholder innovation. Means someone has a great idea that has to be a huge success. I used my knowledge in research, psychology and socio-economics to improve the connection between companies and customers while focusing on insights that drive success.

The way of working that I developed is focused on knowledge-based decisions. No matter how good you are as a product person, there is no place for gurus with a know-it-all mentality in successful product development. While many paths can lead to some success, I saw firsthand that it saves thousands in development costs and months or years in development time to gain a deep understanding of customer problems and a good customer connection.

I would love to hear about your problems and experiences or interesting solutions you discovered. Just contact me, if you need help or would like to work with me!